Topic: Should special needs children be in mainstream schools?
Peer reviewed sources: 1). Fink, E., Deighton, J.,
Humphrey, N., Wolpert, M., & Fink, E. (2015). Assessing the bullying
and victimisation experiences of children with special educational
needs in mainstream schools: Development and validation of the Bullying
Behaviour and Experience Scale. Research in Developmental Disabilities,
36, 611–619.
2). Ismail, Z., Basheer, I., & Khan, J. (2016). Teachers’
Attitudes towards Inclusion of Special Needs Children into Primary Level
Mainstream Schools in Karachi. The European Journal of Social &
Behavioural Sciences, 17(3), 2177–2196.
Your final paper will be a 7 page double-spaced research paper
that demonstrates the ability to enter into and contribute to a
scholarly conversation, which is typically defined as an issue, problem,
or topic around which scholars offer their perspectives in academic
writing such as peer-reviewed journal articles and books. This paper
will be an argument, so it is important that you advance an arguable
claim on a debatable subject. TAs we mentioned in the class, most
students will be responding primarily to one Primary Response Article.
This is simply the article you feel you are responding to most
directly, but you need to position your paper in the broader
conversation using other articles from the class readings or articles
you find in your own research. All the assignments in this class have
helped you prepare for this final assignment, so you should have a lot
of the work completed already. Now it is time to assemble it all into a
coherent whole.
Citation Style
You will cite your paper APA. Include a works cited page in the same citation style.
Academic writing is a conversation. Your final paper must use five credible sources that support your argument or add to the conversation around your main point. Three of your sources must be peer reviewed journal articles. Two of your sources must be sources not listed on the library guide that you found through your own research.Acceptable credible sources include:
- Books/ebooks
- Scholarly or Professional Journals
- Magazines
- Newspapers
The paper should keep in mind all of the basic conventions of academic writing.
No Recycling!
If you took English 100 here at National it may be tempting to just improve you ENG 100 paper and turn it in for ENG 240. This is against the rules. You are expected to write a wholly new paper. Your instructor in this class will have taught ENG 100 before and will be familiar with the authors and texts used in ENG 100. On the flip side of the coin, since we are focusing in on disciplines in this class, it might be tempting to try to recycle a research paper you have written in another class. This is also against the rules and will easily be detected by your instructor.Writing is not a skill you master in one try. It takes practice to achieve mastery and every argument will have its own writing challenges, so writing a completely new paper will be the most beneficial activity for you and will be expected. To use the work written in one class to fulfill the requirements of another will be considered academic dishonesty and you may be reprimanded by the university.So, please, recycle your aluminum cans and your plastic water bottles, but recycling papers is not allowed in college level work.