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Exercise 2.5

Diabetes affects a growing number of Americans. You have been invited to join a collaborative of community agencies interested in tackling diabetes from a community perspective.

  • What resources will you use to identify different outcomes related to diabetes?

From a community perspective, public health metrics is an essential resource that indicates the contribution of different factors to a disease such as mortality rate and access to healthcare facilities (Curley & Vitale, 2016). The use of subjective data will enable the team to establish qualitative metrics such as ability to function and perceived health status. Data analysis and interpretation tools will help the team to get an accurate assessment of the data collected from individuals and community health indicators (Fawcett & Ellenbecker, 2015). To identify the outcomes, the team will also require healthcare resources such as the type and number of healthcare and social service agencies.

  • What outcomes related to diabetes are of most interest to community members?

The first outcomes is prevention by creating awareness on behavioral and lifestyle choices that increase the risk of diabetes, and this includes lipid and blood pressure management. The second outcome is ongoing treatment and management of the disease through early screening and diagnosis. The third outcome is managing and treating complications that arise from diabetes. The outcomes will be used to identify gaps in treatment and in measuring outcomes.

  • How will you compare the outcomes you select to monitor at the local level with state and national outcomes?

The team will use data from state and national level that has been collected by agencies such as National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) (Curley & Vitale, 2016). The team will then correlate the outcome indicators ate the state level with the data that has been collected at the national or state level. Through the vital statistics, the team will detect health disparities and differences in the approach of care that could be responsible for different outcomes (Fawcett & Ellenbecker, 2015). For instance, if there is a decrease in diabetes cases at the state level, this could be due to effective means of creating awareness that are lacking at the local level.


Curley, A., & Vitale, P. (2016). Population-Based Nursing: Concepts and Competencies for Advanced Practice (2nd ed.). New York: Springer Publishing Company.

Fawcett, J., & Ellenbecker, C. (2015). A proposed conceptual model of nursing and population health. Nursing Outlook63(3), 288-298. doi: 10.1016/j.outlook.2015.01.009


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