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Law Homework Help

In today’s economy, there are a wide number of powerful companies who in all appearances control massive segments of different markets. Using LEXIS-UNI in the Strayer Library, identify one case within

  • In today’s economy, there are a wide number of powerful companies who in all appearances control massive segments of different markets. Using LEXIS-UNI in the Strayer Library, identify one case within the last year of a large company that has (or might be) engaged in anticompetitive behavior and what type.  Next, suggest three ways that this behavior could be viewed as either a Horizontal or Vertical restraint of trade.  Be sure to explain and define these terms and provide support for your response – also, find a case NO ONE HAS POSTED ABOUT.
  • Identify and explain the different forms of restraint of trade in your example and, what are some of the defenses?  Support your a


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