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History 105 Discussion Board 1

Using the above link and internet respond to following  References follow APA format:
“The Industrial Revolution” Please respond to the following:(Note: Please respond to one [1] of the following two [2] bulleted items in a primary posting of at least 125 words. In addition, please make a substantive comment to one [1] of your classmates.)

  • From the scenario, the Industrial Revolution created many changes in American society. Identify at least two (2) ways in which the industrial economy impacted the types of occupations which workers chose. Support your response with at least two (2) examples.
  • Identify at least two (2) harmful business practices that arose from the increased industrialization of American society. Compare these harmful business practices with similarly harmful practices in the banking, mining, or petroleum industries today. Provide a rationale for your response.

Respond to Peer post:
From the scenario, the Industrial Revolution created many changes in American society. Identify at least two (2) ways in which the industrial economy impacted the types of occupations which workers chose. Support your response with at least two (2) examples.
The Industrial Revolution changed the concept of work in America on several levels.  First, as productivity advanced, so did the need for more workers and more work hours.  More people entered the workforce than ever before, actually causing a nationwide shift in population from the rural to the more urban areas, where the jobs were.  
Railroad construction. Beginning in the early 1870s, railroad construction in the United States increased dramatically. Prior to 1871, approximately 45,000 miles of track had been laid. Between 1871 and 1900, another 170,000 miles were added to the nation’s growing railroad system. Much of the growth can be attributed to the building of the transcontinental railroads. In 1862, Congress passed the Pacific Railway Act, which authorized the construction of a transcontinental railroad. The first such railroad was completed on May 10, 1869. By 1900, four additional transcontinental railroads connected the eastern states with the Pacific Coast.
The spread of the assembly line. The new manufacturing technology spread first to the production of the sewing machine, then to the bicycle industry, then to the automobile industry. The sewing machine industry at the time was filled by three manufacturers: Wheeler and Wilson, Brown and Sharpe, and Singer. Wheeler and Wilson completely adopted the armory method of manufacturing and Brown and Sharpe focused on designing and constructing special tools and machines for the sewing machine. Although Wheeler and Wilson first outsold Singer and Brown and Sharpe, by 1867, the largest company in the sewing machine industry was Singer. By 1867, Singer dominated the industry and used predominately a European (craft-based) approach to manufacture. However, as Singer continued to grow and demand for its machines outstripped the availability of skilled workers, Singer began to use special-purpose machinery.


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