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History Multiple Choice Questions Test Bank

Part 1 of 1 –
Question 1 of 20 5.0 Points
The ability to make yarn at a much faster pace:
A. was achieved by the development of George Stephenson’s Rocket.
B. was retarded by adoption of the Lysenko Doctrine in 1808.
C. became necessary after the development of the flying shuttle.
D. depended upon the inventions of Charles Seurat.
Question 2 of 20 5.0 Points
The steam engine was developed by:
A. Edmund Cartwright.
B. James Hargreaves.
C. Henry Cort.
D. James Watt.
Question 3 of 20 5.0 Points
Which of the following statements is a FALSE observation about the development of the Industrial Revolution?
A. The use of machinery in factories helped to stimulate urban growth.
B. The highly productive nature of industrial manufacturing created continuous opportunities for reinvestment and increased production.
C. Price reductions produced increased markets, thus continuing the traditional, self sustaining nature of the European economy as it had functioned since the early 1600s.
D. Rural workers found new employment opportunities in railroad construction.
Question 4 of 20 5.0 Points
Continental European industrialization:
A. started a full generation before it did in England.
B. began in Belgium, France, and the German states.
C. didn’t gain momentum until the 1890s in France.
D. was centered in northwestern Piedmont until 1815.
Question 5 of 20 5.0 Points
Industrial development in the United States before 1870:
A. made no real impression on either the society or the economy.
B. included an efficient transportation network.
C. had Asian immigrants making up over half of the factory labor until the 1850s.
D. depended upon slave labor in the factories.
Question 6 of 20 5.0 Points
__________ was forced to reduce its industrial production by a more powerful competitor.
A. Argentina
B. India
C. Prussia
D. Russia
Question 7 of 20 5.0 Points
The population in Europe during the nineteenth century:
A. remained steady until the 1830s, and then began to decrease steadily.
B. was notable for rapid overall growth and a far more rapid increase in city populations.
C. was dramatically reduced when the Great Famine killed thirty five percent of the Russian, Irish, and Prussian populations.
D. decreased as peasants, reassured by falling death rates, reduced the rural birth rate by over sixty percent due to their adoption of birth control.
Question 8 of 20 5.0 Points
The new, industrial middle class was:
A. actually not new at all, but was a propaganda term created by Napoleon III.
B. the term used to describe the European proletariat after 1810.
C. composed of people who were often the children of industrial workers or rural gentry.
D. composed of increasingly wealthy individuals who wanted political status and power.
Question 9 of 20 5.0 Points
Britain’s Factory Act of 1833:
A. reduced the number of women working in factories.
B. reduced the number of children working in factories.
C. established an eight hour work day for all workers.
D. placed a high tariff on imports in order to increase the profits of industrialists.
Question 10 of 20 5.0 Points
All of the following are correct about nineteenth century Liberalism EXCEPT:
A. having economic and political components.
B. supporting the idea of civil rights.
C. wanting to limit governmental power.
D. opposing limiting governmental power.
Question 11 of 20 5.0 Points
A. was a potential threat to the existing political order.
B. had major support only in western, Atlantic coast Europe until the late 1860s.
C. was firmly opposed by Bismarck and Cavour.
D. won speedy acceptance across Europe because every government was helped by it.
Question 12 of 20 5.0 Points
The Congress of Vienna in 1815:
A. was attended by representatives of France, Britain, Italy and the United States.
B. operated in accord with the principles of liberalism.
C. agreed to meet periodically to take steps to maintain Europe’s peace and stability.
D. created the Concert of Europe, an interchange of musicians who presented a gala series of performances, with concerts given in a different capital each year.
Question 13 of 20 5.0 Points
The most multinational state in Europe in the nineteenth century, and thus the one most threatened by the new ideology of nationalism, was:
A. Britain.
B. Italy.
C. Germany.
D. Austria.
Question 14 of 20 5.0 Points
Prussia’s victory over Austria in 1866 allowed the Italians to take over __________ and the withdrawal of French troops during the Franco-Prussian War of 1870 allowed the Italians to take over __________.
A. Naples; Florence
B. Venetia; Rome
C. Rome; Milan
D. Venice; Syracuse
Question 15 of 20 5.0 Points
The Eastern European state that gained its independence from the Ottoman Empire in 1830 was:
A. Serbia.
B. Greece.
C. Bosnia.
D. Romania.
Question 16 of 20 5.0 Points
The policies of Otto von Bismarck before 1871:
A. were based on the practice of Idealpolitik.
B. ignored domestic opposition and concentrated on foreign affairs.
C. used warfare as an instrument of policy, regardless of its consequences.
D. used parliament to endorse the policy of increased taxes, and used the new revenues collected to reorganize the Prussian military.
Question 17 of 20 5.0 Points
Which of the following was NOT a result of the Franco Prussian War of 1870?
A. Louis Napoleon made himself Emperor of the Third Republic.
B. German unification was achieved.
C. The French suffered a military and political humiliation.
D. The south German states came under Prussian domination.
Question 18 of 20 5.0 Points
The Ausgleich of 1867 was all of the following EXCEPT it:
A. created the dual monarchy of Austria Hungary.
B. was the result, in part, of heavy pressure from Hungarian nationalists, who gained strength.
C. enabled the German Austrians and Hungarian Magyars to dominate the dual state.
D. unified Austria with the Bismarck’s emerging German Empire.
Question 19 of 20 5.0 Points
All of the following are correct about Russia in the nineteenth and early twentieth century EXCEPT:
A. Alexander II, a reformer, was assassinated.
B. Alexander III and Nicholas II continued Alexander II’s reforms.
C. Russia lost a war to Japan.
D. Russia was industrializing, particularly after 1890.
Question 20 of 20 5.0 Points
The territory annexed by Austria in 1908, which enraged Serbia, was:
A. Romania.
B. Montenegro and Wallachia.
C. Moldavia.
D. Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Part 1 of 1 –
Question 1 of 20 5.0 Points
The Manchu Dynasty did NOT fall because of:
A. discreet Japanese economic pressure.
B. pressures placed upon it by Western imperialism.
C. its growing inability to control Chinese society.
D. constant Chinese population growth.
Question 2 of 20 5.0 Points
The Opium War:
A. finally forced China to cease selling opium in India and Singapore.
B. was ended by the Treaty of Taiwan.
C. gave Britain control of Hong Kong.
D. ended with a British defeat.
Question 3 of 20 5.0 Points
Which of the following was NOT a feature of the Treaty of Nanjing?
A. Hong Kong was transferred to British control.
B. The British agreed to stop exporting opium to China.
C. The British obtained the right to begin trading in five Chinese ports.
D. All British citizens in China were granted extraterritorial rights.
Question 4 of 20 5.0 Points
Hong Xiuquan:
A. was the Christian leader of the Taiping Rebellion.
B. was a retired houseboy who became emperor in 1855.
C. was angered by government expenditures to widen and deepen the Grand Canal.
D. supported the Qing during the Taiping Rebellion.
Question 5 of 20 5.0 Points
Which of the following was NOT true about the loss of Qing control over its empire in the late nineteenth century?
A. Japan defeated China in a war over Korea in the 1890s.
B. The Russians transferred territories north of the Amur River in Siberia to China.
C. The Tibetans revived their local autonomy.
D. The British and the French removed Burma and Vietnam from their traditional relationship to the Manchu court.
Question 6 of 20 5.0 Points
In 1894, the Qing went to war with Japan over:
A. Tibet.
B. Korea.
C. Vietnam.
D. Laos.
Question 7 of 20 5.0 Points
A new round of Western territorial demands in China was sparked by the successful 1897 German acquisition of much of the:
A. island of Sri Lanka.
B. Shandong Peninsula.
C. Liaodong Peninsula.
D. Korean Peninsula.
Question 8 of 20 5.0 Points
As a result of German acquisition of the Shandong Peninsula, all of the following occurred EXCEPT:
A. Russia was able to acquire Port Arthur.
B. the Chinese government initiated new reforms, at the request of Kang Youwei.
C. the United States pursued an Open Door policy in China.
D. it was obvious that the dismemberment of China was impossible.
Question 9 of 20 5.0 Points
In the years after the Boxer Rebellion the:
A. Manchu leader, Sun Yat sen, abdicated.
B. Manchus resorted to reactionary repression throughout China.
C. Manchus refused to institute even limited reforms.
D. slow pace of reform served to intensify revolutionary fervor among the new reformist elite.
Question 10 of 20 5.0 Points
The medical doctor who formed the Revive China Society was:
A. Cixi.
B. Kang Youwei.
C. Sun Yat sen.
D. Chiang Kai shek.
Question 11 of 20 5.0 Points
China’s “last emperor” was:
A. Mao Zedong.
B. Guangxu.
C. Kuang Hsu.
D. Puyi.
Question 12 of 20 5.0 Points
The Chinese revolution of 1911:
A. was the first successful Marxist revolution in history.
B. left a power vacuum in the country due to the collapse of the Manchu Dynasty.
C. was the event that gave reformers the power they needed to immediately establish democracy.
D. was seen by the West as their greatest achievement.
Question 13 of 20 5.0 Points
All of the following are correct about China at the end of the nineteenth century EXCEPT:
A. industrial production was on the rise, although it was still based largely on traditional methods.
B. the transportation system was chaotic.
C. the rapidly increasing population resulted in smaller plots of land for the peasants.
D. the Qing had finally succeeded in uniting all Chinese behind the regime.
Question 14 of 20 5.0 Points
The Japanese opening to the West resulted from:
A. the naval expeditions of Commodore Perry.
B. the diplomatic efforts of Lord Amherst.
C. the aftermath of the Plague of 1853.
D. the vote of a two thirds majority in the Diet.
Question 15 of 20 5.0 Points
All of the following were true about the “Sat Cho” alliance EXCEPT that it:
A. was militarily “punished” for firing on foreign shipping.
B. was, at first, against the Japanese opening to the West.
C. produced a rebellion that ended the shogunate and brought about the Meiji Restoration.
D. never accepted the fact that Japan had to begin to modernize in order to survive.
Question 16 of 20 5.0 Points
The capital under the Meiji Restoration was moved from:
A. Kyoto to Sapporo.
B. Osaka to Shimonoseki.
C. Tokyo to Nagasaki.
D. Kyoto to Tokyo.
Question 17 of 20 5.0 Points
The Progressive constitution adopted by the Japanese in 1890, with authority placed in the executive branch of the government, was modeled on the government of:
A. China.
B. Germany.
C. Great Britain.
D. Russia.
Question 18 of 20 5.0 Points
Which of the following was NOT a result of the social policies of the Meiji restoration?
A. Many peasants lost their land titles.
B. Military conscription and universal education were instituted.
C. Western practices became very popular.
D. Universal democracy was adopted.
Question 19 of 20 5.0 Points
In the Treaty of Shimonoseki, the Japanese obtained all EXCEPT:
A. Taiwan.
B. the Liaodong Peninsula.
C. Port Arthur.
D. greater international prestige.
Question 20 of 20 5.0 Points
The Meiji Restoration:
A. was a true revolution, in which the existing ruling class was replaced by a new ruling class.
B. was similar to the French Revolution because of the considerable violence involved.
C. granted women full equality with men.
D. was in many ways a revolution from above.
Part 1 of 1 –
Question 1 of 20 5.0 Points
On June 28, 1914, the Archduke Francis Ferdinand, heir to the Austrian throne, was assassinated in the Bosnian city of:
A. Trieste.
B. Prague.
C. Belgrade.
D. Sarajevo.
Question 2 of 20 5.0 Points
Among the major illusions held by civilians and military leaders early in World War I was:
A. the belief that it would never be over.
B. that the Americans would enter the war in order to insure a quick victory.
C. the belief of most military leaders that the use of still larger numbers of troops would allow them to get their troops beyond the enemy trenches and gain a quick victory.
D. poison gas would end the war by Christmas.
Question 3 of 20 5.0 Points
The British government:
A. sharply limited free speech when it implemented the Defense of the Realm Act.
B. opposed the use of poison gas under any and all circumstances.
C. developed a program that employed over 1.3 million children, even in positions formerly beyond their previously presumed “capacity.”
D. brought William Gladstone back as Prime Minister when Lloyd George was defeated.
Question 4 of 20 5.0 Points
Tsar Nicholas II abdicated his throne as a result of strikes that broke out:
A. in Moscow in late 1918.
B. after working class women staged a massive food march in Petrograd.
C. in Warsaw after the 1916 crop failure.
D. after the Memorial Day Massacre of steel workers.
Question 5 of 20 5.0 Points
Lenin’s new secret police were known as the:
B. Cheka.
D. Stasi.
Question 6 of 20 5.0 Points
The British prime minister who had won a decisive electoral victory on a platform committed to making the Germans pay for the war was:
A. Georges Clemenceau.
B. David Lloyd George.
C. Neville Chamberlain.
D. Arthur Balfour.
Question 7 of 20 5.0 Points
Which of the following was NOT a penalty imposed on Germany in the Versailles Treaty?
A. The transfer of Bavaria to France as a reparations payment
B. A reduction in its army to 100,000 men
C. A reduction in its navy
D. The demilitarization of all lands along the Rhine
Question 8 of 20 5.0 Points
The postwar diplomacy of the 1920s:
A. was epitomized by the active role the United States played in making sure that European policies were sensible and restrained.
B. showed that the “lessons” of the Great War, especially the need for true justice in international affairs, had been thoroughly learned, as in the case of the awarding of mandates in Iraq and Syria to the United States.
C. was superficial, as reflected by the overly optimistic response to the Locarno Treaty and other diplomatic agreements but which failed to deal the issue of military disarmament.
D. was unusual in that there was no important international friction during the decade.
Question 9 of 20 5.0 Points
The Weimar Republic:
A. was highly successful in fighting the effects of the Great Depression.
B. faced great economic challenges such as runaway inflation and later the Great Depression.
C. had very capable, charismatic leadership in the years before Hitler ruled Germany.
D. enjoyed universal support throughout Germany.
Question 10 of 20 5.0 Points
Leading exponents and practitioners of Dadaism and Surrealism, respectively, were:
A. Ernst Weiler and Pablo Casals.
B. Hannah Höch and Salvador Dali.
C. Heinrich Tzara and Sigismund Harolde.
D. Elie Haas and Edmund Blackadder.
Question 11 of 20 5.0 Points
Nationalist movements:
A. all began as traditionalist, religiously based movements.
B. were called “tongs” in China.
C. were usually led by people with extensive knowledge of Western ideas and values.
D. did not begin in Southeast Asia until the 1930s.
Question 12 of 20 5.0 Points
Which one of the following is correctly paired?
A. Harijans—brahmans
B. Dhoti—simple garment of coarse home-spun cotton
C. New Party—Muslim League
D. Gandhi—Pakistan
Question 13 of 20 5.0 Points
Most of the early Iranian oil profits went into the hands of:
A. the Standard Oil Company.
B. the Shah.
C. French investors.
D. British investors.
Question 14 of 20 5.0 Points
After World War I:
A. Yemen was the dominant state on the Arabian peninsula.
B. Ibn Saud established the kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
C. Standard Oil found oil at Tehran.
D. Aramco created an American monopoly of Turkish oil extraction in 1937.
Question 15 of 20 5.0 Points
In the Middle East during the interwar period:
A. a massive oil discovery at Dhahran in 1938 moved Saudi Arabia from being an area of chronic poverty to one of unexpected national affluence.
B. the achievement of the “Nile breakthrough” in electricity generation opened the possibility of almost cost free electric power to much of the entire Middle East.
C. the award of a mandate to the World Zionist Congress by the League of Nations constituted the first step in creating a Jewish state in the eastern Mediterranean.
D. the Balfour Declaration was made null and void.
Question 16 of 20 5.0 Points
The so called “May Fourth Movement” was:
A. a reaction by Chinese business leaders to the policies of Yuan Shikai.
B. the effort on the part of Sun Yat sen to gain control of the Peking government.
C. demonstrations by Chinese students and others in opposition to the Japanese being awarded Germany’s sphere of influence in Shandong province.
D. an effort by peasants to show support for the radical reform program of Yuan Shikai.
Question 17 of 20 5.0 Points
Chiang’s “New Life Movement” was an effort to:
A. eradicate Confucianism from China.
B. blend Confucianism and Islam with Western capitalism.
C. use Daoism to strengthen his government.
D. promote Confucian social ethics, while simultaneously rejecting Western capitalist values of excessive greed and individualism.
Question 18 of 20 5.0 Points
By the 1920s and 1930s, Japan:
A. became less industrialized and steadily more conservative.
B. joined the United Nations as a result of the leadership of foreign minister Shidehara.
C. did not experience growing Marxist influence on organized labor.
D. was increasingly influenced by Marxists on the left and radical nationalism on the right.
Question 19 of 20 5.0 Points
The major exports produced by Latin America included:
A. tea and ginseng from Venezuela.
B. bananas and cinchona from Brazil.
C. fish and oil from Chile.
D. beef and wheat from Argentina.
Question 20 of 20 5.0 Points
In Mexico:
A. the fascistic PRI seized power in 1926.
B. a thirty year search for commercially successful oil fields ended in failure in 1935.
C. the Cárdenas government nationalized the foreign oil companies’ holdings and provided millions of acres of land to landless peasants.
D. Diego Rivera invented the transistor in 1936.
Part 1 of 1 –
Question 1 of 20 5.0 Points
All EXCEPT which of the following developments occurred at the Yalta conference held in 1945?
A. The Allies agreed to a process of free elections in the liberated nations of Europe.
B. Roosevelt reassured Stalin that the Soviet Union’s legitimate territorial and security concerns would be met.
C. The establishment of the United Nations was agreed to by the Allies.
D. The leaders of the three Allied nations were deeply divided over the future of Japan.
Question 2 of 20 5.0 Points
The European Recovery Program was better known as the:
A. Five Point Program.
B. Stillman Plan.
C. Acheson Plan.
D. Marshall Plan.
Question 3 of 20 5.0 Points
In reviewing the origins of the Cold War, the text:
A. remarked on the unusual nature of intense competition between two societies so heavily influenced by Western civilization.
B. supports the view of many revisionist historians that United States policies drove Stalin to adopt a hostile view of the West.
C. states that both nations were working within a framework conditioned by the past, from their different historical perspective and their irreconcilable political ambitions.
D. proposes the Cold War actually originated in East Asia.
Question 4 of 20 5.0 Points
Factors weakening Chiang Kai-shek during the Civil War included:
A. middle class indifference toward his regime because of its refusal to provide them with lucrative government jobs.
B. peasant enthusiasm to Mao’s promises to give land to the peasants.
C. the refusal of the United States to give even limited military support to the Nationalist armies.
D. the fact that 85,000 former Japanese occupation troops were fighting in his army and elite Japanese units formed his bodyguard.
Question 5 of 20 5.0 Points
United States foreign policy during the Korean War period:
A. was unable to get formal United Nations support for South Korea when invaded in June 1950.
B. reluctantly supported the modified and limited return of 30,000 Japanese troops to the Korean peninsula to help rebuff North Korean forces.
C. became more determined to block Western contact with the Chinese government.
D. provided support for the invasion of the Chinese mainland by Nationalist forces from Taiwan.
Question 6 of 20 5.0 Points
“Peaceful coexistence”:
A. was a term first coined by Joseph Stalin in the 1940s.
B. was first used by Sun Yat sen in 1921.
C. was treated with suspicion by United States leaders, especially after the Soviet crushing of the unrest in Hungary in 1956.
D. delayed the development of cultural exchanges of theatrical and other groups.
Question 7 of 20 5.0 Points
In the Cuban Missile Crisis:
A. the Soviet Union decided to send nuclear weapons to Cuba in 1962.
B. Turkey threatened to have the United States destroy Cuba if the Soviets attacked Turkey.
C. the United States president threatened to shoot down any Soviet planes bringing nuclear weapons to Cuba and announced a total “air blockade.”
D. President Johnson sent American troops to Cuba.
Question 8 of 20 5.0 Points
The Sino Soviet dispute:
A. was rooted in a struggle between the Chinese and the Soviets for control of Tibet.
B. was aggravated by the lack of Soviet support for Chinese efforts to reclaim Taiwan.
C. bore no relationship to the level of Soviet economic assistance to China.
D. saw Mao describe China as the international leader of industrialized nations.
Question 9 of 20 5.0 Points
The term “Evil Empire” referred to the:
A. Soviet Union.
B. Chinese government.
C. United States in the rhetoric of Iran’s revolutionary Islamic regime.
D. Sandinista regime in Nicaragua.
Question 10 of 20 5.0 Points
Under Ronald Reagan, the United States was able to help sustain a Vietnam like war that long embroiled Soviet forces in:
A. Uzbekistan.
B. Turkmenistan.
C. Kazakhstan.
D. Afghanistan.
Question 11 of 20 5.0 Points
Joseph Stalin:
A. inaugurated a new, benevolent stage of governmental policy with his Stalingrad speech in January, 1946.
B. continued his reliance on the terror apparatus, including the holding of about 9,000,000 Soviet citizens in Siberian concentration camps.
C. named his protégé, Andrei Zhdanov, as his successor.
D. denounced Lenin at the Thirtieth Party Congress.
Question 12 of 20 5.0 Points
Nikita Khrushchev:
A. was determined to follow in Stalin’s path, avoiding even the appearance of innovation.
B. was known as “old stone butt” by Western leaders.
C. was mocked as “Cottonman” by many Russians.
D. permitted the publication of One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich.
Question 13 of 20 5.0 Points
Which of the following statements is NOT true of the Brezhnev years in the Soviet Union?
A. Khrushchev was forced into retirement.
B. As a result of détente, there was a freer and more relaxed domestic atmosphere.
C. The economic policies continued to de-emphasize consumer goods production.
D. Agricultural problems continued to cause many difficulties.
Question 14 of 20 5.0 Points
The ethnic tensions that resulted as an unanticipated by product of glasnost were caused by:
A. the encouragement of these feelings from the gulag.
B. a combination of the statement of long suppressed feelings as a result of new freedoms, the inability of the army to control the resulting violence.
C. the desire on the part of many ethnic minorities to retain the dominance of Communism throughout the Soviet Union.
D. the relaxation of Gorbachev’s iron grip on the Soviet system.
Question 15 of 20 5.0 Points
All of the following are true about events in Poland from 1980 to 1991 EXCEPT:
A. mass public demonstrations caused significant changes in government policy.
B. huge rises in food prices helped to give rise to Solidarity.
C. by the end of 1990, the nation had freely elected a new president.
D. Soviet troops occupied the country in December 1990.
Question 16 of 20 5.0 Points
A leading Soviet writer of the 1950s and winner of the Nobel Prize was :
A. Vaclav Havel.
B. Gennady Zhuganov.
C. Leo Tolstoy.
D. Boris Pasternak.
Question 17 of 20 5.0 Points
All of the following are correct about Mao’s Red Guards EXCEPT:
A. in many instances, they brutalized their victims with impunity.
B. they were composed of discontented Chinese youth.
C. they received re-enforcements from Taiwan.
D. contained disgruntled party members.
Question 18 of 20 5.0 Points
The “fifth modernization” referred to in post Mao China was:
A. land reform.
B. national defense.
C. democracy.
D. industry.
Question 19 of 20 5.0 Points
Chinese “communes” were:
A. Communist Party committee cadres.
B. urban districts established by Mao Zedong.
C. the modern equivalent of the traditional cottage industries in pre modern China.
D. agricultural communities containing more than thirty thousand people.
Question 20 of 20 5.0 Points
For the Chinese Communist Party, culture was:
A. seen as a unique resource which should be preserved and not changed.
B. valuable and valid for its own sake.
C. seen as an important instrument for indoctrination.
D. not to be used in the same way the Soviets had used it.
Part 1 of 1 –
Question 1 of 20 5.0 Points
Charles De Gaulle did NOT:
A. see France increase its gross domestic product during his period of government.
B. create the Fifth Republic.
C. increase the power of the office of president.
D. come to power because of the Algerian crisis.
Question 2 of 20 5.0 Points
All of the following occurred between 1945 and 1960 EXCEPT:
A. West Germany’s gross national product surpassed that of Nazi Germany by 1955.
B. Charles De Gaulle was elected president of France.
C. the development of a welfare state in Britain was facilitated by the election of the Labour Party.
D. Richard Nixon ended the war in Vietnam.
Question 3 of 20 5.0 Points
Which of the following was NOT a problem faced by the government of Helmut Kohl?
A. The armed hostility of France
B. High levels of unemployment and social discontent in the eastern part of Germany
C. The collapsed East German economy
D. Runaway budget deficits
Question 4 of 20 5.0 Points
West Germany, between 1948 and 1965:
A. was led by Erich Honecker.
B. developed a top level anti terrorist group known as the Stasi.
C. saw real wages double between 1950 and 1965.
D. was divided by the Berlin Wall.
Question 5 of 20 5.0 Points
The European Community was primarily:
A. an economic union.
B. a political union.
C. a military alliance.
D. restricted to the nations of southern and eastern Europe.
Question 6 of 20 5.0 Points
Which of the following statements is NOT correct about John F. Kennedy?
A. He was the youngest elected president.
B. He was the first president to be born in the twentieth century.
C. He focused exclusively upon domestic matters rather than foreign affairs.
D. He was assassinated in 1963.
Question 7 of 20 5.0 Points
Richard Nixon:
A. pursued a “northern strategy,” making civil rights a central plank in his political platform.
B. ordered the killing of four students at Ohio’s Kent State University by army soldiers.
C. refused to end the Vietnam War.
D. used illegal methods to obtain information from his political rivals.
Question 8 of 20 5.0 Points
The Reagan Revolution included all of the following EXCEPT:
A. strong support for labor unions and war on poverty programs.
B. a decrease in spending on social welfare programs.
C. tax reduction.
D. an increase in military expenditures.
Question 9 of 20 5.0 Points
All of the following are correct regarding the presidency of Bill Clinton EXCEPT:
A. Clinton claimed he was a “new Democrat.”
B. he adopted a number of conservative policies.
C. because of his misconduct with a White House intern, he was not reelected in 1996.
D. the government budget deficit was reduced during his administration.
Question 10 of 20 5.0 Points
Which of the following is a correct statement about postwar Canadian political development?
A. Lester Pearson advocated political union with the United States.
B. The Liberal Party created Canada’s welfare state.
C. Brian Mulroney opposed a free trades agreement with the United States that was very well received by all Canadians.
D. Quebec will be granted independence in 2006, as a result of the national referendum.
Question 11 of 20 5.0 Points
The substitution of traditional imports by increasing domestic industrial production in Latin America began to fail in the 1960s because:
A. they often lacked sufficient labor to allow them to compete with foreign manufacturers.
B. Japan refused to buy any goods from countries using import substitution.
C. domestic markets were too small and countries were unable to find enough foreign buyers.
D. United States firms effectively stifled attempts to establish industry in Latin America.
Question 12 of 20 5.0 Points
Which of the following statements accurately describes developments relating to Cuba in the late 1950s and early 1960s?
A. President Johnson authorized the CIA to train Cuban exiles to invade the island.
B. The Bay of Pigs disaster resulted in a Soviet decision to place Soviet missiles in Cuba.
C. Fidel Castro was overthrown by Fulgencio Batista.
D. Che Guevara successfully established a communist government in Bolivia.
Question 13 of 20 5.0 Points
Which of the following Latin American politicians would NOT be described as a dictator?
A. Fulgencio Batista
B. Juan Perón
C. Vicente Fox
D. Fidel Castro
Question 14 of 20 5.0 Points
Which of the following statements is NOT a true depiction of Mexican development in recent decades?
A. In 1996, Mexican peasants received net incomes equal to those of wealthy American farmers.
B. Wealth from oil reserves is no longer able to solve all of Mexico’s economic problems.
C. In 1968, university students in Tlaltelolco Square protested against the policies and nature of the Mexican government.
D. Vicente Fox was elected Mexico’s president in 2000, defeating the PRI candidate.
Question 15 of 20 5.0 Points
All of the following are correct about the consumer society EXCEPT:
A. the number of blue collar workers increased after the 1960s.
B. there was an increase in real wages for many.
C. the number of people engaged in agriculture dropped significantly.
D. installment plan buying increased.
Question 16 of 20 5.0 Points
The women’s movement writer in who wrote The Second Sex was:
A. Simone de Cognac.
B. Simone de Beauvoir.
C. Adrienne Koch.
D. Germaine Greer.
Question 17 of 20 5.0 Points
Which of the following statements accurately describes recent environmental developments?
A. E. F. Schumacher argued that modern production technology was undercutting the long term ability of society to produce or, possibly, even to survive.
B. Green movements have developed in an effort to restrict the spread of environmental protection efforts.
C. Communist regimes were the creators of the environmental movement.
D. Greens in northern Europe are now focused on animal rights issues only.
Question 18 of 20 5.0 Points
Samuel Beckett, in Waiting for Godot, developed the dramatic movement known as:
A. Cubism.
B. the Theater of the Absurd.
C. Synergetic Surrealism.
D. Monism.
Question 19 of 20 5.0 Points
The so-called “Americanization of the world” has resulted from all of the following influences EXCEPT:
A. popular musical forms such as jazz and rock and roll.
B. television.
C. advertising.
D. the bleak world-view of absurdist drama and literature.
Question 20 of 20 5.0 Points
Which of the following statements is NOT correct about religion in the West after World War II?
A. Religious renewal in the Catholic Church was associated with Pope John XXIII and Pope John Paul II.
B. Church attendance in Europe increased significantly in the 1960s and 1970s.
C. Religious fundamentalism increased in Protestant Christianity and in Islam.
D. Muslim communities were established in Britain, France, Germany and elsewhere in Europe.
Part 1 of 1 –
Question 1 of 20 5.0 Points
The Western presence in Africa left a legacy that:
A. was entirely negative.
B. disappeared immediately when the colonial powers withdrew.
C. was overwhelmingly positive in its impact.
D. mixed, with both positive and negative results.
Question 2 of 20 5.0 Points
In terms of the chronology of decolonization, it is accurate to say that:
A. the first black African nation to become independent was the Congo, called the Banana Coast.
B. the African National Congress became increasingly radical as its modest initial goals were rejected by white South African governments.
C. Ahmad Ben Bella convinced Britain to proclaim Sudanese independence in 1988.
D. Portugal left Angola in 1949.
Question 3 of 20 5.0 Points
Economic development in Africa has been difficult for all of the following EXCEPT:
B. a declining population.
C. a too rapid population growth.
D. the vast differences between rural and urban Africans.
Question 4 of 20 5.0 Points
In Kenya:
A. the population has been reduced, which has slowed economic growth.
B. the shortage of agricultural land forced Kenyans to migrate to Saudi Arabia to find better farmland.
C. the government of President Moi publicly praised the novelist Ngugi Wo Thiong’o and published his work in the Kikuyu language.
D. capitalism is the dominant economic system.
Question 5 of 20 5.0 Points
In 1993, President de Klerk agreed with Nelson Mandela to implement:
A. immediate and total National Party control until the ANC had greater experience in governing such a diverse society.
B. a transitional period in which representatives of the National Party and the ANC would be cabinet members.
C. democratic national elections.
D. a temporary dictatorship which combined representatives of both parties.
Question 6 of 20 5.0 Points
In African politics since 1980 all of the following have occurred EXCEPT:
A. Wole Soyinka went into exile because of government hostility toward his writing.
B. the corrupt regime of Mobutu Sese Seko was overthrown in 1997.
C. Nigeria’s oil wealth has been dissipated by a series of corrupt dictatorships.
D. most African states have experienced increasing economic prosperity.
Question 7 of 20 5.0 Points
All Israeli governments have been composed of coalitions of several political parties because:
A. of the diverse population and large area of the country.
B. the Knesset used the American electoral system.
C. the nation was composed of two sharply divided political parties.
D. the nation was composed of many political parties having diverse interests.
Question 8 of 20 5.0 Points
The hopes for a lasting Middle East peace after Camp David were never realized, in part because of:
A. the 1981 assassination of Sadat by Jewish militants.
B. the refusal of many non-Islamic states to recognize Israel’s right to exist.
C. Israeli’s policy of establishing settlements in the occupied West Bank territories.
D. Ronald Reagan’s election as the United States president.
Question 9 of 20 5.0 Points
Which of the following statements is NOT true of the Islamic revival in the Middle East?
A. Islamic “fundamentalism” may be a practical attempt to try to counter hedonism and other destabilizing forces.
B. It has resulted solely from a clash between modern and traditional ideas and values.
C. It has been fed by the reactions of the ulama to the impact of Western secularization.
D. The ideology of Iranian Shi’ite has caused its popularity to spread to Algeria and Egypt.
Question 10 of 20 5.0 Points
Which of the following is NOT correct about the economies of the Middle East?
A. There is only a small amount of arable land.
B. Most of the most fertile agricultural land is owned by peasant farmers.
C. There is a lack of water in the region.
D. The Qur’an has little to say about economics.
Question 11 of 20 5.0 Points
All of the following are correct about Kashmir EXCEPT:
A. a majority of the population in Hindu.
B. most of the population is Muslim.
C. India controls most of Kashmir.
D. it has led to violence between India and Pakistan.
Question 12 of 20 5.0 Points
The new Indian government in 1947:
A. was based on that of the Soviet Union.
B. had a powerful president, as Nehru was an admirer of the United States constitution.
C. was based on the British system, with a figurehead president and a parliamentary form.
D. barred only two groups, Sikhs and harijans, from voting.
Question 13 of 20 5.0 Points
Which of the following statements best characterizes the nature of India today?
A. India, unlike China, has rejected its cultural traditions and adopted those of the West.
B. The majority of India’s population is part of a large and growing middle class.
C. India’s economy is a perfect model of the modern, successful socialist state.
D. India today is a nation of contrasts, with a majority of its population living in poverty.
Question 14 of 20 5.0 Points
The controversial Indian writer who uses the technique of magical realism and who has angered Moslems is:
A. Anita Desai.
B. Salmon Rushdie.
C. R. K. Narayan.
D. V. S. Naipaul.
Question 15 of 20 5.0 Points
The major dichotomy in Southeast Asia is the contrast between:
A. men and women.
B. Chinese and Burmese.
C. villages and cities.
D. mountains and lowlands.
Question 16 of 20 5.0 Points
Immediately after World War II, General MacArthur’s responsibilities included the demilitarization of Japanese society and the:
A. elimination of the Japanese emperor.
B. trial of American officials charged with war crimes.
C. laying of the foundations of postwar Philippines society.
D. supervision of the creation of labor unions and the breakup of the zaibatsu.
Question 17 of 20 5.0 Points
The following is true about the Japanese educational system EXCEPT:
A. the workload for students is heavier than that of the American educational system.
B. it possesses a non restrictive and individualistically oriented environment.
C. it demands considerable conformity by the students.
D. it has a relationship to the honor of the family that is directly tied to achievement.
Question 18 of 20 5.0 Points
Kenzaburo Oe:
A. is Japan’s greatest living poet.
B. painted the famous “portrait of General MacArthur” in eight minutes on a sidewalk.
C. received a Nobel Prize for literature.
D. believes rising materialism in present day Japan represents “progress.”
Question 19 of 20 5.0 Points
Under the regime of Lee Kuan yew:
A. an unexpected attempt to foster individualism was made.
B. the concepts of Western democratic pluralism have been encouraged.
C. the Soviet concept of a centralized socialist society has been favored.
D. thrift, hard work, and an obedience to authority were the tenets of state policy.
Question 20 of 20 5.0 Points
The rapid economic development of the “little tigers” can be attributed to:
A. a “modernizing elite” with an economic vision and practicality.
B. an astute political leadership that gave the highest priority to political democracy.
C. government encouragement of population growth.
D. policies that encouraged imports.


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