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Assignment – Finding & Addressing Threats

Assignment Question:

Finding and Addressing Threats

STRIDE is a popular threat modeling technique commonly used to discover the security weaknesses of a software system.
For this assignment (a) research and discuss the limitations associated with STRIDE, (b) Create your own attack tree using the example in Chapter 4 “Example Attack Tree” p95 as a reference point, (c) research and discuss the limitations associated with attack trees and attack libraries. Please state your answer in a 1- 4 page paper in APA format.  Include citations and sources in APA style.
“No plagiarism”
Learning Materials and References (Prof posted in course syllabus)
Required Resources
Shostack, Adam. Threat Modeling: Designing for Security, Indianapolis, IN: Wiley, 2014
Recommended Resources
Please use the following author’s names, book/article titles, Web sites, and/or keywords to search for supplementary information to augment your learning in this subject.
Tony UcedaVelez and Marco M. Morana
Rick Centric Threat Modeling: Process for Attack Simulation and Threat Analysis
Grading Criteria Assignments                                             Maximum Points

  1. Meets or exceeds established assignment criteria                                                                                 40
  2. Demonstrates an understanding of lesson concepts                                                                              20
  3. Clearly presents well-reasoned ideas and concepts                                                                               30
  4. Uses proper mechanics, punctuation, sentence structure, spelling and APA structure                          10


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