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Your paper should address
a. the manner in which the disease is transmitted (oral-fecal route, inhalation, casual contact, sexual contact, vector-transmitted ex. Tick, mosquito, kissing bug, Tsetse fly, blackfly, snail, etc.,)
b. as well as the causative agent (bacteria, virus, worm, protozoan, prion).
3. You should also discuss a brief history of the disease (including the infectious part of the lifecycle if it is a parasite), where it is endemic (always found) and where it has spread, the general symptoms and stages of symptoms if there are such stages.
4. Mention if this disease is currently on the WHO website or CDC watch list. Several diseases may be classified as potential biological weapons, which you should mention if that is true for your disease. You might want to cite (or hypothesize) the reason your disease is considered a potential weapon, which might include communicability, death rate, or some other quality.
5. When discussing treatment, you can mention (brief) historical treatment, but should focus on vaccines (if there are any), the most recent drugs available and the method of action of such drugs.
6. Finally, discuss if there is an outbreak in the world at the moment, how long it has been a concern, and what is being done to slow or stop this disease. 


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