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APA Format Research Paper On Hospital System

APA Format Research Paper On Hospital System.

Write a 10 page APA format with proper citation.

Two impatient hospital systems with 300-400 beds and 4 locations are planning a merger.

Please follow below points to complete the paper:
1) Conduct  a literature review in strategy and enterprise risk management (ERM) based on the specific case study assigned to your group. Identify strategy, risks that may apply like strategic , financial compliance and operational.
Key performance indicator (KPI), and key risk indicator  (KPI). Your research should be showing how to address risks using a holistic view to present a plan and adopting a standard ERM framework or a tailored ERM framework.

2)  your task is to perform strategic risk analysis and identify the strategy risk factors, assess risk score, impact and mitigation strategy.

Note: Need paper by tomorrow 10:00 AM CST.


APA Format Research Paper On Hospital System


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