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Here is the background of the question.

You are working in an extended care facility (ECF) when M.Z.’s daughter brings her mother in for a week stay while she goes on vacation. M.Z. is an 89-year-old widow with a 4-day history of dysuria, back pain, incontinence, severe mental confusion, and loose stools. Her most current vital signs (VS) are 118/60, 88, 18, 99.4° F.

The medical director ordered several lab tests on admission. The results were as follows:

  • WBC: 11 thou/cmm
  • Complete Metabolic Panel (CMP) within normal limits (WNL)
  • Post-void catheterization yielded 100 ml, and urinalysis (UA) showed WBC 100+/HPF (high-powered field), RBC 3 to 6/HPF, bacteria rare.
  • Urinary culture and sensitivity (C&S) results were as follows: Escherichia coli, more than 100,000 colonies, sensitive to ciprofloxacin, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, and nitrofurantoin.


Correlate the patient’s need for teaching with the concept of mobility.

I need at least 500 wordings, and at least 4 references. I will check the references to see if it matches what is on the essay, thank you.


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