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Case Study: Pfizer

Global biopharmaceutical company Pfizer believes that a diverse workforce leads to more innovative and creative thinking.[i] The company also feels that inclusion is the foundation to the ownership culture that it wants to build among its employees.[ii] Pfizer recognized that better attracting and retaining diverse employees would require it to pay more attention to its diversity and inclusion initiatives. In addition to relying more on its worldwide diversity and inclusion leadership council comprised of senior executives from around the company, <para></para>Pfizer also created employee  resource groups including people with disabilities, Latino/Hispanics, African American and LGBT employees to better apply their ideas to influence company results.[iii]
<problemset id=”ch03ps03″ role=”qonly”><supertitle id=”ch03ps03.supertitle”>Q
1.      Why is Pfizer interested in improving diversity and inclusion at the company?
<general-problem id=”ch03ps03gen002″ label=”2″ maxpoints=”1″><inst>2.   How does a proactive focus on diversity and inclusion improve Pfizer’s legal compliance?
<general-problem id=”ch03ps03gen003″ label=”3″ maxpoints=”1″><inst>        3.   If you were in charge of diversity and inclusion at Pfizer, what would you do to further improve diversity and inclusion at the company?
1.   Why is Pfizer interested in improving diversity and inclusion at the company?
2.   How does a proactive focus on diversity and inclusion improve Pfizer’s legal compliance?
3.   If you were in charge of diversity and inclusion at Pfizer, what would you do to further improve diversity and inclusion at the company?


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