- Choose South Africa, Brazil, or an alternative choice (excluding Canada).
- Review this week’s Learning Resources.
- Consider the issues related to the group you chose with regard to their experience of prejudice, discrimination, and assimilation.
an analysis of the country you chose by addressing the following:
- Identify the country’s major racial or ethnic groups.
- Analyze the historical background and treatment of that country’s racial or ethnic groups, highlighting 2–3 important economic, social, and political forces that have shaped their experiences and/or pivotal events that were key turning points.
- Provide 2–3 examples of discrimination or other social challenges that help shed light on the historical realities of race and ethnic interactions.
- Compare the participation rates, employment levels, and income levels of the major racial or ethnic groups in that country.
- Analyze 1–2 key policies that seek to address racial and ethnic issues.
- Analyze foreseeable challenges this country might face as a result of emerging trends in racial and ethnic interactions.