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Describe how to interpret the results from various muscular fitness tests.

E189-86161 Exercise Assess/Prog Implement


Howley, E and Thompson, E (2012). Fitness Professionals Handbook. 6th ed.


1.  Define terminology used to describe muscular fitness.


2.  Discuss  precautions  that  enhance  participant  safety  during  muscular  fitness  assessments.

3.  Describe various methods of assessing muscular fitness, including repetition maximum tests, push-up and abdominal curl-up tests, the YMCA bench press test, and others.


4.  Identify methods for standardizing testing protocols to increase accuracy and reproducibility of test results.

5.  Describe how to interpret the results from various muscular fitness tests.


6.  Describe how to assess muscular strength and endurance in older adults .

7.  Describe the benefits, safety, and precautions for assessing muscular fitness in clients who are at elevated risk for adverse cardiovascular responses such as those with high BP or CHD.


8.  Describe the benefits, safety, and precautions for assessing muscular fitness in children and adolescents.



1.  Describe the relationship between flexibility or ROM and low-back function.


2.  List five factors that can affect flexibility or ROM.


3.  Describe the amount of flexion that can occur between the rib cage and the sacrum and state a general rule for performing lumbar extension exercises.


4.  Explain why having good ROM at the hip joint is important to having a healthy back.


5.  Describe the pros and cons of the sit-and-r each test.


1.  Explain the physiological principles of overload, specificity, and progressive resistance and how they relate to exercise programming for developing muscular fitness.


2.  De scribe  the  following  methods  of  resistance  training:  isometrics,  dynamic  constant external resistance training, variable resistance training, isokinetics, and plyometrics.


3.  Describe the modes of resistance training.


4.  Discuss the health and fitness benefits of resistance training and understand precautions that enhance participant safety.


5.  Describe the variables that are used to design resistance training programs and discuss the relationship among the amount of resistance used, the training volume, the repetition velocity, and the rest intervals between sets and exercises.


6.  Understand periodization and its application in the design of exercise programs, and differentiate between overreaching and overtraining.


7.  Describe  the following systems of resistance training: single set, multiple set, circuit training, preexhaustion, and assisted training.


8.  Discuss the safety, benefits, and recommendations of resistance training for youth, older adults, pregnant women, and people considered to be at elevated cardiovascular or musculoskeletal risk.



1.  Describe motion segments and the shock absorbers of the spine, and explain the role of the facet joints.


2.  Differentiate  between  functional  and  structural  spinal  curves  and  describe limitations that each may impose on exercise programs.


3.  Explain why it is important that the muscles of the trunk be able to control pelvic positioning.


4.  Differentiate between the low-back problems typically seen in adults and those seen in youth.


5.  Describe how the anatomical limitations of ROM should be a factor when prescribing ROM exercises.


6.  Identify the components of core stability (CS).


7.  Explain how the muscles of the trunk work together as a dynamic corset.


8.  Describe exercises that will increase the strength and endurance of muscles that are fundamental to the development of CS.


9.  Explain why CS requirements can differ for an office worker and a competitive athlete.


10.  Explain why flexibility is important to having a healthy spine.


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