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Discussion and Participation Unit 4 D1 Standing on top of the Empire State Building in New York City, the air pressure is slightly less than if standing on Miami Beach in Florida. Why is this the case? What factors influence air pressure? Both NYC and Miami are basically the same elevation above sea level so what conclusion have you made about pressure/temperature changes with regard to the vertical versus horizontal. DUE TODAY: 10pm Discussion and Participation Unit 4 D2 1 Why is it windy at the beach? What forces are responsible and how do beachfront conditions differ from conditions farther inland? Discuss both day and night time conditions. DUE Thursday 5pm

Discussion and Participation Unit 4 D1
Standing on top of the Empire State Building in New York City, the air pressure is slightly less than if standing on Miami Beach in Florida. Why is this the case? What factors influence air pressure?
Both NYC and Miami are basically the same elevation above sea level so what conclusion have you made about pressure/temperature changes with regard to the vertical versus horizontal.
Discussion and Participation Unit 4 D2
Why is it windy at the beach? What forces are responsible and how do beachfront conditions differ from conditions farther inland? Discuss both day and night time conditions.
DUE Thursday 5pm


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