The Prospectus Overview and Instructions
The prospectus is a brief document that serves as a road map for the dissertation. It provides an essential framework to guide the development of the dissertation proposal. The prospectus builds on the 10 Strategic Points (shown in Appendix A) and should be no longer than 6-10 pages, excluding the criteria tables and the appendices. The prospectus will be expanded to become the dissertation proposal (Chapters 1, 2 and 3 of the dissertation), which will, in turn, be expanded to become the complete dissertation (Chapters 1-5). In short, the prospectus is a plan for the proposal. Prior to developing the prospectus, the 10 Strategic points should be reviewed with the chair and committee to ensure the points are aligned and form a clear, defined, and doable study. The10 Strategic Points should be included in Appendix A of this prospectus document. Please utilize the attached documents to complete the Dissertation Prospectus