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ERM At Mars, Incorporated: ERM For Strategy And Operations

ERM At Mars, Incorporated: ERM For Strategy And Operations.

ABC Organization is considering implementing an Enterprise Risk Management program. Someone on the board became aware of Mars, Incorporated’s Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) program case study. As with any ERM program, Mars’ program has continued to evolve since 2012.

Mars’ ERM program began with the company’s inception by Forrest Mars. Historically, the leadership at Mars had a serious commitment to risk management. ERM represented one natural evolution from these practices. In conjunction with the transition to nonfamily management in the early 2000s, the corporation established challenging growth, earnings, and cost targets. In order to achieve these objectives, the company undertook several key initiatives to ensure the achievement of these objectives. ERM became one of these. Most of the major improvements in the evolution of this program resulted from working with these individuals to address the needs of their business units. By identifying these players’ involvement in the early stages of the program and their subsequent roles, the case study reader should gain an understanding of the importance of and the need to cultivate relationships with these early adopters.

As risk manager, you are responsible for ensuring your organization minimizes its risks. Your board became aware of this case study and has asked you to create a presentation for the next board meeting where you will present information about this case study and the effects of implementing an ERM program at Mars.

Create a PowerPoint® narration (voice) report of at least 10 slides based on your findings about this case study along with the message that is delivered based upon this case (not including the cover page and reference page). If you do not own a copy of Microsoft PowerPoint use a comparable slide software or Google Slides (free and accessible from Google.com). If your tool does not offer the ability to put audio on the slides utilize another tool to record the audio portion, i.e., VLC Media or another tool that will allow you to record .mp3 file format that transitions with the slides. In the presentation, address the following:

  • What represents the key success factors of the ERM program?
  • What improvements would you make?
  • Does this represent an effective risk management program? If not, what is missing? (Support your response with details from the case study and properly cited references.)
  • Would this program work for a publicly traded corporation of similar size?
  • How important do you view alignment and accountability among a management team?

Make sure to provide a reference slide that provides APA citations of any sources used in the PowerPoint presentation. This slide does not require narration. Oral Parameters/Expectations:

  • At least 10 slides in length, with each slide having a narration in Standard English explaining the key ideas in each slide.
  • The oral presentation should have a highly developed and sustained viewpoint and purpose.
  • The oral communication should be highly ordered, logical and unified.
  • The oral delivery technique, including word choice and oral expressiveness, displays exceptional content, organization, and style, while leading the audience to a dynamic and supported conclusion.
  • Free of grammatical errors.
  • No evidence of plagiarism.
  • Ensure that the narration provides clear enunciation, a professional tone, and is free of background noise.
  • The slide presentation must be professional and utilize a professional background and design.

ERM At Mars, Incorporated: ERM For Strategy And Operations


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