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Examines how media and pop culture influence one another using real-world examples and citations from peer- reviewed sources.

11/13/18, 10(37 PMFree to Be Whatever Comes Next Scoring Guide

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Free to Be Whatever Comes Next Scoring Guide


Examine the cultural impact of the 1960s peace movement.

Does not examine the cultural impact of the 1960s peace movement.

Discusses the cultural impact of the 1960s peace movement.

Examines the cultural impact of the 1960s peace movement.

Examines the cultural impact of the 1960s peace movement using real-world examples and citations from peer- reviewed sources.

Examine the influence of media on culture.

Does not examine how media and pop culture influence one another.

Discusses how media and pop culture influence one another.

Examines how media and pop culture influence one another.

Examines how media and pop culture influence one another using real-world examples and citations from peer- reviewed sources.

Compare cultures of different eras.

Does not compare cultures of different eras.

Discusses cultures of different eras.

Compares cultures of different eras.

Compares and contrasts cultures of different eras using real-world examples and citations from peer-reviewed sources.

Analyze the impact of technology on pop culture.

Does not analyze the impact of technology on pop culture.

Discusses the impact of technology on pop culture.

Analyzes the impact of technology on pop culture.

Analyzes the impact of technology on pop culture using real-world examples and citations from peer-reviewed sources.

Communicate effectively in a variety of formats.

Does not communicate effectively in a variety of formats.

Communicates in a manner that is effective but sometimes lacks clarity, conciseness, organization, or proper grammar.

Communicates effectively in a variety of formats.

Communicates in a professional manner using scholarly resources that support the analysis by connecting concepts through clear, concise, well-organized, and grammatically correct writing that incorporates appropriate APA style conventions.


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