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FMLA In The Workplace

Jackie approached her Human Resources representative and requested time off under FMLA. Jackie’s son has a chronic disease, which requires him to miss significant amounts of school and Jackie to stay home and take care of him.  Jackie is unsure if she qualifies to use FMLA, so she has many questions that she would like answered. Based on your readings and outside research, answer the following questions for Jackie so that she may have a better understanding of FMLA and how it applies to her. Discuss any discrepancies in the answers with your classmates and instructor.

  • How much leave is entitled to under the Family and Medical Leave Act?
  • How is the 12-month period calculated under the Family and Medical Leave Act?
  • Does the Family and Medical Leave Act guarantee paid time off?
  • Can the employer count time on maternity leave or pregnancy disability as leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act?
  • Who is considered an immediate “family member,” under the Family and Medical Leave Act, for purposes of taking FMLA leave?
  • Do I have to give my employer my medical records for FMLA leave due to a serious health condition?


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