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Human Resource Management

Written Assignment 1
  (25 points) 4-5 pages, not including cover or References pages

Locate an article describing a collective   bargaining situation that has arisen within this   year (2019). This   article should be from a newspaper, an academic journal, or a credible online   news source. Attach the article or give the link.  Use a minimum   of two additional references from the course materials to support your   discussion and to respond to the questions in the assignment.

a. Using APA guidelines, state the proper   citation for the article.

Then, summarize the situation, including:

b. What type of collective bargaining is   this? (https://businessjargons.com/types-of-collective-bargaining.html)

c. What are the underlying causes of the   dispute?

e. If there is any evidence of any   illegal or unethical conduct on either side, describe it in detail.

f. Was the dispute resolved? If so, how?

g. In retrospect, could this dispute have   been resolved in a more constructive fashion? If so, how?


Human Resource Management (see attachment)

Module 2: The Unionization Process and Negotiating the Collective Bargaining Agreement (see attachment)




5   points


Addresses nature of the collective   bargaining dispute and the underlying causes of the dispute. Discusses the   environment, trends, influences, challenges, current trends

Effectively addresses the nature of   the collective bargaining dispute and the underlying causes of the dispute.

Discusses the environment, trends,   influences, challenges, current trends.


Identifies the economic or ethical   pressures each side has attempted to use to prevail in the dispute

Identifies the economic or ethical pressures each side has attempted to use   to prevail in the dispute. Makes strong, logical connections.


What, if any, role was played by   third parties in resolving this bargaining dispute? What was the identity of   the third party?

Discussed the role, if any, played by   third parties in resolving this dispute and identified the third party.    Reader can easily follow the author’s logic and flow.


Was the dispute resolved? In   retrospect, could this dispute have been resolved in a more constructive   fashion? If so, how?

Discussed if the dispute was resolved and if it could have been   resolved in a more constructive manner

Reader can easily follow the author’s   logic and flow.


Use of current and relevant sources,   citation and mechanics; accurate use of APA style for in-text citations and   References

The author has identified and selected   a minimum of three very appropriate and current resources.

The paper correctly cites in-text and   lists resources on the References page.  If additional sources are used,   they are included correctly.



22.5 points minimum


20 points minimum


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