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information governance

Write a 12-page research paper (cover and reference page inclusive) on the topic “Information Governance: A Necessity in Today’s Business Environment.”
PLEASE AVOID PLAGIARISM AT ALL COST!  Run your research paper through SafeAssign and reduce your similarity score below 25%. If you must quote an author (reduce to the barest minimum), use quotation marks and include page numbers for in-text citations. The best approach is to paraphrase the author and use in-text citation as well.
Important Information:
1. Use section headers for good readership.
2. Use Times New Roman font, size 12 and double-spaced.
3. Include a cover page and a reference page.
4. Use in-text citations.
5. Use figures and tables when appropriate.
6. Use Safe-Assign to check your research paper. Similarity score greater than 25% shows poor originality.
7. Use APA format for references (in-text & reference page).


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