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Osmosis And Diffusion

It is common knowledge that staying hydrated is beneficial and that electrolytes replenish the body after exercise. But did you know that it too much water or water containing the wrong substances can be harmful?
• Water intoxication
• Drinking seawater
Explain, compare, and contrast how each of these would affect the blood and cells of the body. Are they beneficial or harmful? Why?
• Length: 250-500 words
• You will need to use at least 3 reputable scientific references to support your post (not including your textbook). Reputable sources= peer reviewed scientific journal articles, accredited websites, or books. Google, Wikipedia, etc. are not acceptable sources.
o Your information must be credible, accurate, and well supported by evidence. The best sources of information are the research journals and the books as well as webpages maintained by professional societies and organizations.
You must cite all sources. Citation format must be MLA or APA


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