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Journal Prompt for Race and Ethnicity

Take one of the Implicit Association Tests on this (Links to an external site.) 

site:   https://implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/takeatest.html 

Describe which test you took and tell me the result. What was your experience of taking this test? How do you feel about the result? Does this result help you to understand how prejudice and discrimination work in contemporary US society?


 Use Course Material

Specifically refer to course concepts in your discussion using material from assigned readings, videos and/or discussion.

 This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConnect Course Material to Your Experience

Write about connections you see between the course material and your life experiences. You can also relate course concepts to things you see, hear or read about in the media (if you do this, let me know where you found the media, i.e. NYTimes on 8/19 and include a link to the article or web page so I can check it out too!)


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