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Primary Source Essay

Students should attach a 1500-word analysis of a primary source. The essay should use at least one primary source and two scholarly secondary sources, and deal with a NON-EUROPEAN society prior to 1500. The essay should explain what the primary source tells us about the society that produced it. The essay should have a clear thesis that briefly explains what the primary source tells us, and the body of the essay should demonstrate the thesis to be true using evidence from the primary source itself in conjunction with information from the secondary sources. If you have any questions about whether or not your topic is NON-EUROPEAN or not, please see the professor or TA. If you have any questions about whether your primary or secondary sources are appropriate, please see the professor or TA. The essay should use the Chicago-Turabian footnote style (http://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_citationguide.html) for citations.
A PRIMARY SOURCE is a piece of writing (or other cultural artifact like art or tools) that was produced by the culture you want to study, during the time you want to study. A scholarly SECONDARY SOURCE is a recent piece of scholarship (not amateur commentary) that interprets and explains the history and culture of a society.  NON-EUROPEAN for this assignment means that the topic cannot deal with issues we commony think of as European, broadly defined. This means that students cannot do projects on medieval Europe, Rome, Greece, or European Christianity. Students who want to do a topic on Christianity should consult with the professor or TA first. If you have any doubt about your topic, please consult the professor or TA


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