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s a bariatric surgery a better option for weight loss and body health compared to diet and exercise alone?

For this week’s discussion topic, you are assigned ONLY ONE of the following 5 scenarios (see chart below for your case #) about the digestive system for 10 points.

  1. What is a colonic?  Why have colonics and other “colon cleansers” increased in popularity over the past decade?  Do they work?  Why or why not?
  2. What is the paleo diet?  Is this a healthy diet for people to follow?  Why or why not?
  3. Eating red meat has always been a controversial subject with nutritionists – what are the risks and benefits of having red meat in your diet?  Should people stop eating red meat?  Why or why not?
  4. Bariatric surgeries are being performed more frequently.  Is a bariatric surgery a better option for weight loss and body health compared to diet and exercise alone?  Why or why not?
  5. There are a wide variety of nutritional supplements available for people to take, including vitamins, minerals, coenzymes, fish oil, chondroitin, etc.  Would you recommend any of these supplements?  Why or why not?
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