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The Tattooed Soldier By Hector Tobar Questions

Q1: Describe the ways in which Elena challenges gender expectation for women? What are the internal struggles she experiences as an activist and as a partner to Antonio? How does she resolve these struggles?
Q2: Analyze three scenes in the novel in which Longoria’s masculinity is being shaped by the military. How did his genderreality shift from the moment he was taken from the military at 17 years old? How does his masculinity inform the way he interacts with women and men?
Q3:Analyze three scenes in the novel in which Antonio questions his manhood. How did his gender reality shift from the moment he found his family murdered in Guatemala? How does his gender reality shift in Los Angeles as a refugee?
Q4: Find two quotes in the novel that reinforces patriarchy, homophobia, and sexism (two quotes for each theme)
Q5: Pick a scene in the noval and re-write the gender script for the character in that scene


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