Read the posts of the other learners and respond to the initial posts of two, in at least 150-200 words each. In each response, ask clarifying questions or comment on the applicability of engagement, motivation, and understanding the story of participants in relation to a multi-organizational collaborative project. Do you agree with what the learner has posted? Why or why not?
PEER1- Selena Hernandez-Turpin
The same insights about engagement in the text when reviewing situation #3 story with the participants would be beneficial to successful outcomes in a multi-organizational collaborative project, would be that the supervisor had engaged in portraying in the experiences of workers and of the workplace climate overall (Groot, 2016). The motivation that would come from these outcomes would be to show that the supervisor, does what everyone else do at any given time when need be. What is gathered from the story in situation #3 is that being a leader can be difficult but rewarding in many ways when you shown employees that, the leader can be just as involved if not as dedicated to their duties as anyone who work under them. Showing the staff that they can always count on the leader to be available when it gets rough. The three key take away point are that the workers feel optimistic, morale, and team cohesion. These key points put things in perspective on what employees look for in their leader and team. I believe these are the three key take away points because like stated in the story situation #3 having the perceived supportiveness and supervisor quality or the supervisor (Groot, 2016).
PEER 2- Anthea Acosta
Unit 4, Discussion 1
In Situation 3, the empowerment program helped boost the morale of child welfare agency after the employees dealing with a child’s horrible death. This was a great time to enact the program because it is easy to fall into a slippery slope of negativity after encountering such a horrible experience. The program helped build up the employees to focus on their strengths and this helped motivate the employees to seek positive aspects of their profession. A study of Japanese retail workers found that emotion was one of the factors that influenced performance (Matsuki et al 2019). Therefore, if an employee is feeling positive and content at work, they’ll probably be more likely to retain employment. This is relevant because a high turnover at an agency dealing with high stress topics like child death, is not going to be successful if everyone is constantly in training.
The supervisor being reactive to the feelings of the employees in this situation was also very important in the success of the agency. According to the self-determination theory, autonomy-supportive supervisors help nurture employees and in turn, contribute to employees feeling valued (Kanat-Maymon et al 2017). When the new supervisor factors in the employee’s beliefs or thoughts on how they lead, it helped cement the relationship by showing that they do have a voice. I think this is important because employees feel their concerns are validated.
When working in a difficult environment, the supportive supervisor will help ease the stress of working with things beyond your control. These employees lack control with much of their clientele but when they have a supervisor who doesn’t practice the controlling style, they have the freedom of knowing that they will have the freedom to act in how they see fit and not how their supervisor dictates. The supervisor providing autonomy will also contribute to a more stable workforce and less unethical behavior (Kanat-Maymon et al 2017). To me, this is going to create more harmony within the workplace because instead of employees stressing over accomplishing the task to the standards of the supervisor, they are going to defer for more complicated but not dodging issues to check the box