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which line from the text explains the effect of the texts of agrippa on the narrator?

Which line from the text explains the importance of his father’s reaction to the narrator 5 points? – Which line from the text explains the importance of his father’s reaction to the narrator? It is even possible that the train of my ideas would never have received the fatal impulse that led to my ruin.

In Which line does the narrator suggest that he wants to learn more about the world? – Terms in this set (14) In which line does the narrator suggest that he wants to learn more about the world? “The enumeration in the Constiution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.”

What is the main effect of the narrator mentioning famous philosophers and scientists like Isaac? – philosophers and scientists like Sir Isaac Newton? The narrator is able to justify his failures with theirs. Victor Frankenstein continues recounting the influences that lead to his great experiment: An accident again changed the current of my ideas.

What is the main benefit of having the narrator begin the story with events from his childhood? – What is the main benefit of having the narrator begin the story with events from his childhood? It allows the reader to see the early influences on the character.

Which sentence best explains how the tone reveals the narrator’s perspective the narrator is frightened? – Which sentence best explains how the tone reveals the narrator’s perspective? The narrator is frightened because she is a Muslim making a Catholic confession.

What sound does the narrator hear at the end of the story that causes him to confess to the murder provide evidence to support your inference? – The title has great significance because the narrator hears a heart all throughout the story and in the end the sound of the heart makes them reveal the location of the body and confess to the crime.

What does the narrator’s response to the setting reveal about his character by describing? – What does the narrator’s response to the setting reveal about his character? He is pessimistic due to his experiences. He gains knowledge through experience. He always does what he is told.


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